ZTWildlife Wiki
American Beaver
American Beaver
Game Zoo Tycoon 2
Family Beavers
Status Vulnerable
Diet Herbivore
Icon wetlandsWetlands America North
Icon starIcon starIcon star

To unlock the American beaver in challenge or campaign games, you must earn a 3-star zoo fame rating for your zoo.


  • The beaver is a semiaquatic rodent noted for the building of dams. There are only two kinds of beavers, the American beaver and the Eurasian beaver. The two species share similar behavior and anatomy, although they have some small physical differences, such as the shape of the nasal bones. They are large rodents; the average adult beaver weighs about 16 kg (about 35 lb), but specimens as heavy as 40 kg (90 lb) have been found, and some extinct beavers were almost bearlike in size.
  • The North American beaver is widely known for its habit of building dams and for its closely knit family units. The construction of the dam produces a small- to moderate-sized beaver pond that helps to increase the biological diversity of the surrounding area as well as conserve water and maintain water flow.

Fun Facts[]

  • Look out below! Beavers are sometimes dropped by parachute into remote areas to build dams and reduce erosion in rivers.
  • The secretion beavers produce to mark their territories contains acetylsalicylic acid, the main ingredient in aspirin.
  • A beaver can stay underwater for up to 15 minutes by storing extra oxygen in its lungs and body tissue.
Zoo Tycoon 2
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Black RhinocerosBengal TigerCommon Zebra
Official Downloads
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Endangered Species
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African Wild DogGray WolfWolverine
African Adventure
AardvarkBarbary ApeSecretary BirdBongoAfrican BuffaloCaracalGeladaGerenuk
Masai GiraffePygmy HippopotamusStriped HyenaMandrillMeerkatNile MonitorRatel
White RhinocerosAfrican Spurred TortoiseWarthogWildebeestEthiopian Wolf
Dino Danger
CarnotaurusStyracosaurusTriceratopsTyrannosaurus rex
Marine Mania
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Manta RayCalifornia Sea LionBlacktip Reef SharkGoblin SharkScalloped Hammerhead
Whale SharkWhite SharkGreen Sea TurtleLeatherback Sea TurtlePacific Walrus
False Killer WhaleOrcaShort-Finned Pilot Whale
Extinct Animals
AnkylosaurusAurochsShort-Faced BearElephant BirdBluebuckGiant CamelSaber-Toothed Cat
Bush-Antlered DeerDeinonychusDeinosuchusDimetrodonDiprotodonDodoDoedicurus
Dwarf Scillian elephantGigantopithecusKentrosaurusCave LionAmerican MastodonKiller Penguin
ProtarchaeopteryxQuaggaWoolly RhinocerosSivatheriumGiant Ground SlothStegosaurus
StokesosaurusThylacineUtahraptorVelociraptorWarrahGiant Warthog
Zoo Tycoon
AquaticConiferous ForestDeciduous ForestDesertGrassland
HighlandTropical RainforestSavannahSalt WaterTundra
Zoo Tycoon 2
AlpineBenthicBoreal ForestCoastalDesertGrasslandPelagic
ReefSavannahScrubTemperate ForestTropical RainforestTundraWetlands